
Not sure how this happened. It flew by. I am puzzled by it all. I still feel 15 inside … perhaps 18 … but no matter what the inside feels … it doesn’t match the outside. Seems so surreal. Not bad … simply rather mysterious.

I can account for all of it. I am present to all the years & the many moments.

I am grateful. I have lived good … played hard & worked hard & laughed hard & loved hard. I have no regrets.

Now I ponder what is next. I am still here because there is a next. If I were done then I would have moved on … however, I am still here. So there is more to create. But … How much more? What?

Time to dig deep. I have an impact to make still. I stand & look into the light. Bright beautiful light. It is my own light & beaming from me & becoming me to follow it. How cleaver of me I think. I must have known that I needed a lit path.

Thank you, Source In me, for allowing me to still be here.

I remember times when I never thought I would see 30 … times when I didn’t see the point, times when I hung on for someone else, times when it seemed so fruitless, times when it just didn’t matter. I remember times when I felt so much sadness & grief & pain & fear

I remember times when it was exquisite & rich & exciting & adventurous. I remember times when I was the rebel, the witch, the risk taker, the freak & the love & the llght in the room.

I remember times when I loved so deeply I thought I would ignite. I remember each moment I was in awe. I remember the people who moved me & inspired me & empowered me.

And with each memory I only deepen my gratitude.

I lay my newly dyed purple head down now … Ready to rest so I can wake up tomorrow & begin the next 1/2 of my life.