I am forgetting anything I said
About never wanting to be with anyone again
I am actually missing you tonight

In each others arms night after night
My bed seems so big & empty now
Your body … such a presence … asleep or awake
Not here …
Me not there …

I don’t know when it all shifted
But it did
Lovers now in our world of discovery
My arms holding you tight
Our skin merging
Your thighs crossing mine
Hot then cold then hot again

I’ve wanted no one like this
You … in me
Me … in you
Two women who
Always have it together
Not together – Together
Not really knowing what’s next
Wanting what’s next instead

Ever been worshiped?
Could you take it?
Would you allow it?
I could show you how
Sweet protector
Your turn

I want to grow this
Simmer it, boil it, fire it up
Take my hands off the controls
Put my hands on you
Hold on for the ride
Create the ride
Us … together
Not knowing where it’ll go
I don’t care
I just want to be on with you

I never knew I would be here
To actually play this out
To create what I want
With you
I could fall in love
I’m scared but willing

I waited all these years
Went through all these lessons
Uncovered all these reasons
Just so I would be here
With you now

The only thing left is to seal
The new chance
With a kiss
A long, lingering kiss
Passion on our lips
More intense with each second
The final piece to add
The piece that will kick this over

Let me know when you are
To be mine
To let me be yours
That is the time
When we actually move
Across the next line

Now I head off to bed
Without you
Dreaming about you